Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Final Models For The Year

Here are a few pictures of what I have been working on for December.  They are not 100% completed.  There are a few details I need to paint as well as some more weathering and battle damage.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Final Countdown

With three weeks left in 2012, I've been keeping my promise and meeting my goal of completing a unit/vehicle a month.  Seven days into December, I have this months model, a Space Marine Rhino, completely base coated and several highlights added to it.  I think with a few additional highlights and some weathering, I'll have this completed before the month is even half over.  I have been simultaneously painting a Space Marine Dreadnought, and I must say, it has been a pleasure to paint and is turning out to be a really nice looking model.  With the 60mm base, it opens up the opportunity to create a nice scenic base.  I added some wreckage to the base and it gives the model a lot of character.  I can see myself assembling several more Dreadnoughts, if not only to create scenic models.

There has been a lot of talk at the local Games Workshop about starting up a 40K Escalation League at the end of January, so I have been working on a 500pt list to start things out.  I really want to play using Codex: Dark Angels; however, it is an older list and Codex: Space Marines has most all of the same options, only cheaper and sometimes better.  Rumor has it that a new book for Dark Angels will be released in January.  At this point, I am up in the air on which book to use.  Regardless, my January model is a little ambitious, well, for me at least.  I plan on completing a Razorback with a five man Tactical Squad and my army's warlord,  Chapter Master Nuriel of the Dominions.

Back story of the Chapter to come . . . .