It pains me to do so, but a couple of weeks ago, I decided to change the color scheme of my Dark Angels to the original scheme. This means I have to repaint everything that I started. I decided to keep the two original Terminator Squads and the Dreadnought in the original Camo Green scheme, but everything else will be repainted in standard Dark Angels colors.
As for progress with the new scheme, I have been working on a squad of Terminators that will be added to my Escalation League force to bring the point total up to 750pts. I was a little hesitant at first painting them in the Bone White scheme. The base color I was using didn't cover very well over the black primer and was very time consuming to apply. However, after finishing a test model, I am very pleased with how it turned out. It has a gritty, comic book feel to it. I have four more Terminators that have their initial Zandri Dust base coats and a Nuln Oil ink awaiting an Ushabti Bone dry brush.
Next up on my painting plate after the Terminator squad is five Tactical Marines from the Dark Angels Chapter Upgrade Sprue. I plan on using this sprue to make most of my Tactical Squads. I feel the robed models really set the Dark Angels apart from the other Space Marine forces and give the army a very dark, sinister feel. These models should be fairly easy to paint and churn out. The robes will be painted much in the same way as the Terminator armor and the green armor will be painted per the Games Workshop standard, starting with a base of Caliban Green, a wash of Biel-Tan Green, then successive highlights of Warpstone Glow and Moot Green. Since most of the model is covered by the robes, there is not a lot of armor detail to pick out.
After I paint those five Marines, I am going to work on a Ravenwing Biker test model. Their armor is traditionally all black, which can look very flat and bland if not done right. I've opted to do the shading on the black armor with dark blues so I can highlight the other black areas using greys so there will be some differentiation between the colors. I'm not a fan of hard lining, so hopefully my dry brush technique will turn out well.
What prompted the decision to change color schemes? I also decided to strip my first Land Raider to match my new Land Raider color.