Tuesday, January 22, 2013

1750pts Dark Angels

Azrael - 215pts

Librarian - 95pts
Mastery Lvl1(Divination), Power Field Generator

Command Squad -165pts
Standard of Devastation

Tactical Squad - 150pts
Heavy Bolter

Tactical Squad - 150pts
Heavy Bolter

Deathwing Squad - 245pts
Assault Cannon, Chain Fist

Deathwing Squad - 245pts
Assault Cannon, Chain Fist

Ravenwing Attack Squad - 186pts
Melta Gun x2, Melta Bombs

Attack Bike - 55pts
Melta Gun

Ravenwing Attack Squad - 186pts
Melta Gun x2, Melta Bombs

Attack Bike - 55pts
Melta Gun

Total: 1747pts

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Vengeance is Coming

This coming Saturday, the new Codex: Dark Angels will be released.  I have to say, I am pretty excited for its release.  I've always liked the Dark Angels models and background.  Two years ago, I decided to sell off my rather large Imperial Guard force.  The army was just getting to be too much to play, assemble, paint, and lug around.  I decided at that point that I wanted to play a small, elite force.  The Deathwing fit the bill to perfection.  I took the funds from the sale of my IG and loaded up on Terminator Squads and Venerable Dreadnoughts. 

Now here we are, two years later and the new codex is just days away and everything I've heard about the new Deathwing units has me excited.  There are three rumored (mostly confirmed) choices for Deathwing Terminators; Deathwing Terminators, Deathwing Terminator Command Squads, and Deathwing Knights.  To start, there is the standard Deathwing Terminator Squad.  If past precedents hold true, they will be armed with Storm Bolters and Power Fists.  There will be options to upgrade one Terminator to carry a Heavy Flamer, Plasma Cannon, Assault Cannon, or the Cyclone Missile Launcher.  Any Terminator in the squad can switch out there Power Fist and Storm Bolter for a Thunder Hammer and Storm Shield or Twin Linked Lightning Claws at an additional cost.  If rumors are correct, you should be able to purchase up to five additional Terminators making a ten man squad.

Next up is the Deathwing Terminator Command Squads.  In the current 4th Ed Codex, if you included Belial in your army, one Terminator Squad could be upgraded to contain a Company Standard and an Apothecary.  In the upcoming book, you will be able to purchase a Command Squad for each Terminator HQ that you include.  These Squads can be outfitted in a similar fashion to the standard Deathwing squads and the squad Champion will be able to include a special Power Weapon call the Halberd of Caliban.  Rumor has it listed as a cheaper version of a Power Axe.  The squad will also include a Company Standard and an Apothecary.

The final and newest Deathwing unit is the Deathwing Knights.  These are the most elite Deathwing Terminators and are armed with a Mace of Absolution and a Storm Shield.  They're listed with a host of special rules which are rumored to grand them Fearless and Preferred Enemy: Chaos Space Marines.  I cannot wait to read up on this unit.

I have big plans for expanding my army and I look forward to keep this blog alive and full of great information.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Fat Ass to Fitness

With a wedding nine months away and a few holiday meals clinging to my waistline, I've started back on the path to fitness.  For those of you who know me, I'm not overweight, but I would like to look my best when the time comes to exchange nuptials.  With the help and support of my loving fiance, I've hopped back on the healthy eating bandwagon and have started going back to the Title Boxing Club Power Hour classes.  I have to say, despite hating working out, I do enjoy attending the classes at Title.  It's one hour of good cardio exercise and I know it will bring results to both my waistline and my overall attitude.  I'm shooting to go to classes three days a week, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.  This leaves Tuesday and Thursday for less healthy hobbies (read wargaming).

Not only do I plan to keep up with the exercise, I fully intend to incorporate healthier cooking into my life.  I really enjoy cooking.  I would even go as far to say that I enjoy it as much as playing nerd games.  On Sunday, I tried my hand at fish, and ended up with a delicious salmon cut.  The meal consisted of baked salmon, roasted asparagus, and whipped cauliflower with a dark chocolate espresso panna cotta for dessert.  I feel I'll have to start adding my culinary adventures to this blog.

To all of you reading this, Thanks and have a happy new year!

Monday, January 7, 2013

Dominions: A Dark Angels Successor Chapter

Chapter Name:  Dominions
Primarch:  Lion El'Jonson
Chapter Master:  Nuriel Ignatium
Homeworld:  Empyrean
Colours:  Olive Drab
Specialty:  Negotiations and Siege Warfare
Battle Cry:  "In the light of the Emperor, we find truth!"


The "Dominions" (lat. dominatio, plural dominationes, also translated from the Greek term kyriotites as "Lordships") or "Dominations" are presented as the hierarchy of celestial beings "Lordships" in the De Coelesti Hierarchia. The Dominions, also known as the Hashmallim, regulate the duties of lower angels. It is only with extreme rarity that the angelic lords make themselves physically known to humans. They are also the angels who preside over nations.

The Dominions are believed to look like divinely beautiful humans with a pair of feathered wings, much like the common representation of angels, but they may be distinguished from other groups by wielding orbs of light fastened to the heads of their scepters or on the pommel of their swords.

The Dominions have made a name for themselves deposing planetary governors whom they have deemed corrupt or ill suited to govern.  This has earned them several enemies.

More to come. . .

Saturday, January 5, 2013

New War, Different Machines

Today I finished assembling my first Warmachine Warjack.  This is my first experience with resin models.  It wasn't as bad as I thought.  Here is a picture of a Protectorate of Menoth Crusader!