Wednesday, October 31, 2012


I'm getting close to completing the Dark Vengeance Tactical Squad.  I had originally planned to hard line the Power Armor but I didn't like the look of it.  I went back on the models and drybrushed the armor the same color I had hardlined them with and I really like the way it turned out.  The armor is significantly brighter; however, with the white emblems and the red gun casings, I think it looks great.  This scheme will transfer over quite well to my Terminators and any vehicles I decide to paint.

Here is a list of the paints I've used in the current Citadel Paint Range.

Power Armor:
Base:  Castellan Green
Shade:  Athonian Camoshade
Layer 1:  Elysian Green
Drybrush:  Underhive Ash

Base:  Dawnstone
Layer1:  Administratum Grey
Layer 2:  White Scar

Gun Cases
Base:  Khorne Red
Shade:  Carroburg Crimson
Layer 1:  Evils Sunz Scarlet
Drybrush:  Kindleflame

Base:  Zandri Dust
Shade:  Agrax Earthshade
Layer 1:  Ushabti Bone
Layer 2:  Screaming Skull

Purity Seal Wax
Base:  Khorne Red
Drybrush:  Kindleflame

Purity Seal Paper
Base:  Ushabti Bone
Shade:  Seraphim Sepia
Layer 1:  Screaming Skull
Layer 2:  White Scar

Base:  Steel Legion Drab
Shade:  Agrax Earthshade
Layer 1:  Skrag Brown
Layer 2:  Balor Brown

Base:  Naggaroth Night
Shade:  Nuln Oil
Layer 1:  Xereus Purple
Layer 2:  Genestealer Purple

Base:  Zamesi Desert
Layer 1:  Yriel Yellow
Layer 2:  Flash Gitz Yellow

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Give Your Army Some Character(s)

Last night I continued work on my Warhammer Army.  I am finishing up the base coats on the models from the Dark Vengeance box set.  Here is a picture of the Company Master, Librarian, and Tactical Squad Sergeant.  I should be able to finish the base coats tonight and then I will begin to ink the models to give them shading.

As far as upcoming events in my life, I will be attending a twenty four hour monster movie marathon called Shock Around the Clock at the Drexel in Grandview Heights, OH.  This promises to be a good time.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Dark Vengeance

Over the past month, I have been working on painting the Dark Angels from the Dark Vengeance starter box for Warhammer 40,000.  I deviated from the standard Dark Angels colors and went with an olive drab scheme.  The above image is of the Deathwing Terminators from the Dark Vengeance set.  As you can see, they have all received their first base coats.  They will be inked and then receive two layers of highlights.

I will continue to post pictures and updates as the army progresses.

Ever journey begins with a single step.

This is the first entry in what I hope to be a well maintained blog.  I have never kept a blog, journal, or any other sort of record of my daily life.  I intend to keep this blog update with news, plans, photos, and other happenings in my life.